Smooth Brome

Call for Pricing

A long-lived, aggressive sod-former valuable for quick cover. Very shade tolerant and moderately tolerant of saline and alkaline conditions. Often used in dryland pasture mixes for its drought tolerance and sod forming ability. Lincoln-type is more aggressive and is normally used on the plains, where Manchar is considered more of a northern or mountain variety. Can become sod-bound with adequate moisture but affords abundant grazing and serves as an anchor to resist soil and water erosion. Can be found in elevations up to 11,000 ft.

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Carlton, Lincoln, Manchar


Excellent for livestock and wildlife quality and palatability rapidly declines after inflorescence develops

Seedling Rate

Small Areas: 3 – 5 lbs. per 1000 square feet Larger Areas: 15 – 20 lbs. per acre drilled 25 – 30 lbs. per acre broadcast

Seeds Per Pound



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