Hairy WInter Vetch

Call for Pricing

Cool season, drought tolerant, annual or short-lived perennial legume. Vine like growth habit that may grow to 4 ft. in height if sown with cereals. Drought tolerant once established. Fixes nitrogen and can add enough nitrogen to provide almost all of the needs of the subsequent crop. Highly palatable and non-bloating. Minimum precipitation 18-20”. Used for green manure crop, cover or pasture. It can be found at elevations up to 8,000 ft.

Latin Name

Vicia villosa



Life Span



High in protein for livestock

Seedling Rate

Small Areas: 5 – 8 lbs. per 1000 square feet Larger Areas: 20 – 25 lbs. per acre drilled 30 – 35 lbs. per acre broadcast

Seeds Per Pound



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